Our Mission: I’m Still Here (ISH) helps people living with dementia to flourish through engagement in life, family and community. ISH supports programs that engage persons living with dementia and their care partners in arts, culture and community. ISH seeks to spread the message of hope and possibility, especially to underserved individuals and communities.
A life fulfilling approach to living with dementia
The I’m Still Here principles are the core. We are committed to promoting the principles and to helping others learn what they mean and how they can be implemented in dementia care programs. Starting in 2022, I’m Still Here will organize an annual virtual seminar about the I’m Still Here principles featuring leading experts, ISH innovators, and persons living with dementia.The I’m Still Here principles are grounded by love, joy, purpose and meaning. The principles underscore the humanity of every person including those with dementia. They are designed to ensure DIGNITY….. give HOPE ….. and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Meet our Team
Here are a few key developments over the years . . .
1.STILL HERE: Engage the full person – their attention, enjoyment, and creativity – not just a part; they are still here.2. AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENT: Offer present moment activities that authentically engage immediate attention with no need for recall or planning.3. PURPOSEFUL: Generate opportunities for purpose and meaning through activities that each person cares about, including inviting them to help and support others.4. SELF EXPRESSION: Use all the senses in creative arts to enable persons living with dementia to learn to express themselves.5. COMPETENCE: Encourage each individual to use their own knowledge and abilities, as well as to master new skills.6. CHOICE: Respect each person’s choices; involve them in decisions that affect them.7. SHARING ENGAGEMENT: Integrate care partners into activities so as to support care partners and reinforce existing relationships.8. COMMUNITY: Access and use venues and resources in the community when possible, so as to embed engagement programs in the community.9. REACH OUT: Engage persons with dementia living at home as well as in other settings.10. SPREAD THE WORD: Keep family and community partners informed about innovative programs that authentically engage persons living with dementia.
Our Mission: I’m Still Here (ISH) helps people living with dementia to flourish through engagement in life, family and community. ISH supports programs that engage persons living with dementia and their care partners in arts, culture and community. ISH seeks to spread the message of hope and possibility, especially to underserved individuals and communities.
Contact: executive director@imstillherer.org PHONE: 781-816-5151 EMAIL: info@imstillhere.orgI’m Still Here 7 Wainwright Road #35 Winchester, MA 01890
A life fulfilling approach to living with dementia
The I’m Still Here principles are the core. We are committed to promoting the principles and to helping others learn what they mean and how they can be implemented in dementia care programs. Starting in 2022, I’m Still Here will organize an annual virtual seminar about the I’m Still Here principles featuring leading experts, ISH innovators, and persons living with dementia.The I’m Still Here principles are grounded by love, joy, purpose and meaning. The principles underscore the humanity of every person including those with dementia. They are designed to ensure DIGNITY….. give HOPE ….. and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
I’m Still Here Principles
1.STILL HERE: Engage the full person – their attention, enjoyment, and creativity – not just a part; they are still here.2. AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENT: Offer present moment activities that authentically engage immediate attention with no need for recall or planning.3. PURPOSEFUL: Generate opportunities for purpose and meaning through activities that each person cares about, including inviting them to help and support others.4. SELF EXPRESSION: Use all the senses in creative arts to enable persons living with dementia to learn to express themselves.5. COMPETENCE: Encourage each individual to use their own knowledge and abilities, as well as to master new skills.6. CHOICE: Respect each person’s choices; involve them in decisions that affect them.7. SHARING ENGAGEMENT: Integrate care partners into activities so as to support care partners and reinforce existing relationships.8. COMMUNITY: Access and use venues and resources in the community when possible, so as to embed engagement programs in the community.9. REACH OUT: Engage persons with dementia living at home as well as in other settings.10. SPREAD THE WORD: Keep family and community partners informed about innovative programs that authentically engage persons living with dementia.